Fishing News Page 31
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BIG FISH UPDATE! 33 New fish in the water! Neo-Realms | September 5, 2011, 4:37 pm | [145] | |
We've stocked the ponds with 33 new fish for you to catch and enjoy! Here is a list of available catches: SMALL Duck Billed Eel Dr. Fish Umpfus Frogfish Url the Ratfish Venus Fish Trap Ye Old Archer Fish MEDIUM J.L. Chinfish Dumbo Octopus Ze Oar Fish LARGE Bulldog Fish Cardboard Boxfish Carpet Shark Pelican Eel Quaint Mr. O ShamScale XL Albino Lobster EPIC Carp DM Cherub Fish Dawgshark Ghost Fish Hell Prawn Larvae Hulamanatee Old Fish Jinkens Princess Lake-a QwabbraKhan Vitriolic SlagShell Whaleman at Salon Xentipede Zig FishKing SUPEREPIC Angelfin Manta Hippocampus Qwar the TideMaker Trench Slug Enjoy! | |
RFL Fish-A-Thon this weekend! Neo-Realms | July 15, 2011, 5:43 pm | [144] | |
It's RFL Fish-A-Thon time again this weekend! During the RFL event, every fish caught we will donate $1L to the cause up to the cap! If you would like to donate to increase the cap please contact Sweegy Manilow! Thanks for helping in the fight against cancer! | |
Congrats to TFL Season 5 Winners: The Claddagh! Neo-Realms | May 10, 2011, 4:23 pm | [143] | |
Congrats to The Claddagh, who have won TFL Season 5! Special thanks to SimKast Radio and all of our sponsors this year, as well as all our teams who participated! We hope you had fun!
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Fishing server back online! Neo-Realms | March 30, 2011, 9:51 pm | [142] | |
Hello everyone, the server chassis has been replaced and fishing server is back online again! Sorry for the delay and thank you everyone for your patience! | |
Fishing Server Down Neo-Realms | March 30, 2011, 11:53 am | [141] | |
Our web hosting provider is having big problems, causing an interruption in fishing and related services. We will be up as soon as they remedy them. Sorry for the inconvenience. | |
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