Fishing News Page 42
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Final Day of the Team Fishing League! Neo-Realms | August 10, 2008, 1:44 pm | [70] | |
Today is the last day of matches, good luck to all teams competing! The winners will be announced tomorrow, if you haven't been keeping up with the action visit the TFL website! | |
$57,834 total for RFL! Neo-Realms | July 24, 2008, 2:57 pm | [66] | |
The final tally from Fish-A-Thon and vendor donations was $57,834, so thanks once again to everyone for another successful RFL! :) | |
Fish-A-Thon Max has been raised to $50,000! Neo-Realms | July 19, 2008, 7:59 pm | [65] | |
GreenShamrock McMahon has donated $5000 to raise the fish-a-thon max to $35,000 and has challeneged everyone to do the same! If you'd like to contribute to the max total, just let me know! -Sweegy Edit: Make that $50000! Thanks Allissa, Baldi and Tina! | |
SL Relay For Life Fish-A-Thon 19-20th! Neo-Realms | July 17, 2008, 10:05 pm | [64] | |
Hey everyone, we've got a spot on the Relay for Life track in Heroes 30, so stop by and visit! We've got a few of the new fish on display as well. :) We'll be running the Fish-A-Thon this year as usual, so all fish caught anywhere in the world we will donate $1 each, up to $30,000! Also all sales in the vendors in Heroes 30 will go towards RFL. See you there, and be sure to break out the rod to help donate to cancer research! | |
BRAND NEW MINI-GAME AND NEW CAMP FEATURES! Neo-Realms | July 8, 2008, 8:20 pm | [63] | |
Two big announcements!
FISHGOLF: FishGolf is our brand new HUD mini-game where you can advance down the course with your fish catches, using club multipliers to effect distance! There is a Global tourney each day for a FishGolf prize pack, as well as prizes for the best local round at each camp! FishGolf also comes with a Custom Course maker to share your designs with friends, and a fully operational Tourney system to compete with your friends, and includes Trophies to give away! DAILY LOCAL CAMP BEST CATCH AWARDS! Each camp now has a local best catch competition, where the biggest fish caught at each camp receives a daily prize! Our major update is on it's way very soon, so keep an eye out! | |
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