Fishing News Page 47
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NEW 4.0 Big Bertha Quest is here! Neo-Realms | May 13, 2007, 11:56 pm | [31] | |
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NEW! Fishing Weekly and Monthly Contests! Neo-Realms | May 7, 2007, 10:51 pm | [30] | |
A new way to spend reward points! Click on a reward vendor at any Neo-Realms fishing camp and select the "Weekly and Monthly Contests" link on the rewards website! 10 Reward Points enters you into the weekly drawing for prizes, and 50 reward points enters you into the monthly drawing for linden dollars! Enter as many times as you like! | |
New Rod/Bait Viewer Available Neo-Realms | May 2, 2007, 1:11 pm | [29] | |
We've added a new web-based rod viewer and bait swapper to the site! From here you can see a listing of all your rods, their stats, and click a button to transfer bait from any rod to your queue. To access it, click on a reward vendor at any Neo-Realms fishing camp to log you in to the website, then click the 'view rods and swap bait' link. You can also view your caught fish in 4.0 and see which ones you still have left by clicking on the '4.0 catches' link underneath it. Enjoy! | |
Welcome our newest camps at Chatrez and Shax! Neo-Realms | April 10, 2007, 3:50 pm | [26] | |
Please welcome our newest fishing camps: Chatrez Pond and Johny's Tacklebox! You can fish from any official camp once you register for a tourney! | |
New Tiny Rods Available! Neo-Realms | April 2, 2007, 11:41 pm | [25] | |
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